Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let's get freaky now. lets get lets get f*ckin freaky now!

I saw this like a year ago and forgot about it. I always wondered are they serious? and who funded this project? Nonetheless, after my re-visitation of this gem i decided to give it some shine. I enjoyed Lords of Apathy's spin on this, so i took the liberty of control c and control v and got my gank on. Hope you enjoy. Lords of Apathy...What up!

Well, they've done it... Brokencyde has made the worst song in all of human history. I don't entirely want to give them credit for it however, considering that they pretty much took elements of several different genres of horrible music and combined them, in their own horrible way, into a nasty foul-smelling musical goulash. It really REALLY sucks. -bad...
Blatantly stolen from Revok's blog -Holler at him!

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